How to perfectly execute Mercy's secret Super Jump ability in Overwatch

To some, Mercy is one of the easiest to learn heroes in Overwatch with a kit that makes things straight forward: heal, damage boost, fly to teammates and resurrect dead ones. However, there’s one secret ability that can define the best Mercy players: Super Jump.

Mercy’s Super Jump is the most powerful “non-official” abilities in her kit and is one of the best techs in the game, requiring a lot of practice to learn and even more to master.

Luckily, top 500 support specialist Blinky has created a guide to help players of all levels perform this unique ability.

Mastering Mercy’s Super Jump isn’t rocket science, but it’s tricky.

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Essentially, a Super Jump is exactly what it sounds like – a move that allows Mercy to jump into the air much higher than she otherwise would be able to.

“Super Jumping with Mercy is hitting Guardian Angel and crouch at about the same time and then jumping towards the end of the Guardian Angel,” he explained.

It may seem simple, but there’s a lot more to it than that.

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Using a python script, Blinky was able to determine when the best time was to hit both Guardian Angel and crouch at the same time, because there was a lot of debate as to when the perfect time to do it is.

After a lot of trial and error, the player was able to determine that it’s best to hit crouch before Guardian Angel for the best Super Jump consistency. While you can press both at exactly the same time, it doesn’t have the same success rate.

“The most optimal average time for Super Jump is to hit crouch about fifteen to twenty milliseconds before Guardian Angel,” he said.

Rez and Super Jump is a powerful combo.

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One of the most important things to remember is that Guardian Angel’s cooldown period will start after the ability’s key/button is let go of, meaning that it’s best to let go once the jump has been performed so you can get it back online faster.

“Make sure to learn this muscle memory as early as possible,” Blinky suggested.

In addition, it’s also possible to perform a Super Jump Resurrection; this can be very beneficial in the event that there’s a bit of cover above a teammate you want to bring back to life and want to take advantage of it.

If you want to rank up as Mercy, learning this technique can be what separates you from the opposition. Give it a shot and see how far you can go.
