Apex Legends star iiTzTimmy goes to huge lengths on Twitch to prove he's not cheating

Timmy “iiTzTimmy” An is one of the best Apex Legends players on Twitch, and he proved there’s nothing suspicious about his skills by having a camera record his hand movements while playing.

iiTzTimmy has shown Apex Legends players time and time again that he’s an absolute beast on the battlefield, and it’s the main reason why he’s become one of the biggest Twitch streamers to play the game.

Not only did he hold the world record for highest damage in a single game, which has been broken, but he also made it all the way from Bronze to Predator in a massive 54-hour stream – a feat that others have struggled to replicate.

A small portion of people weren’t convinced his skills were legitimate. However, he put their doubts to rest once and for all by having a camera record his hand movements live on stream while he was mowing down foes.

iiTzTimmy has over 215,000 followers on Twitch.

The stream was just another day in the office for Timmy. He made clutch plays in fights and farmed entire lobbies, which is no surprise given his skills. But the addition of the hand camera proved to be quite a spectacle.

Fans watched in awe as he gracefully moved and flicked the mouse around. “He makes this game look like he’s fighting bots on recruit difficulty,” said one fan. “They say Timmy’s mouse moves the speed of sound,” said another.

But perhaps more importantly, it convinced them that there’s nothing suss about Timmy’s Apex Legends skills; he is the real deal, and the fact his insane plays are syntonized with silky-smooth mouse movements proves it.

Of course, most people already assumed he wasn’t cheating. But there’s no room left for doubt now that he’s added a hand-cam; it looks like his skills are the result of hard work and talent, and nobody can take that away from him.

And while watching him do his thing can help players improve, to a degree, the main reason people tune in is to be entertained by how good he is.
